Tuesday, August 08, 2006

It's a Montage...

This is what the English speaking world was thinking today. Random, single sentences from random, English-language blogs borrowed and hashed; a civilian global executive summary for August 8, 2006.

This is just my first try at a blog, so dont expect much...but do expect that i will bitch about every thing i do not like. I am a businessman and I struggle as a Christian, and I hope this blog will be a venue for all of us to support one another so that the word of God can be manifested to all that we meet in our business and corporate world. He illustrated very well what he was saying by using percolation of hexagonal cells. You know that I can't communicate to people very well? Do you even know my love for you? Had an awesome time at the gay bar! I asked my grandad where flint came from and he said it was made millions of years ago from sea sponges! Has a Die Off (of humans) started? Israeli people may be fighting Lebanese extremists, but it is American weapons which are trying to outdo their Iranian supplied counterparts. The unity of Allah is such that there is no reality and no true and permanent existence except His. I think i can post more than 10 blogs a day.

PS. I've always wanted a coonskin cap.

1 comment:

Hank Smedley said...

CAPTION: "That looks like a penis, only smaller."

OR: "Hey, that smells like Chris Turner's Canadian penis."